Friday, October 24, 2008

FNF 10.24.2008 Update

Hey everyone, it's me, George the Dinosaur! I just wanted to let you know a couple of things about Friday Nite Fire this week!

First of all, we aren't sure yet what tonite's capacity will be- but we will let you know as soon as we know!

Second, since it's been cold, rainy, and generally yucky outside all day, the park and sports courts will be closed tonite- so be prepared to be inside for FNF!

Finally, don't forget to bring any and all empty aluminum cans you might have to drop off at the front door when you come in tonite. We are collecting the cans to take to the Peru Tribune in support of the United Way and the many agencies they raise money for that help people in need right here in Peru! They want to collect 1,000,000 cans by December 19th!!! Wow, that is a LOT of cans- but we can do it with YOUR help!

In addition, please pick up a PURPLE flyer tonite if you want to help fill a shoebox for a child in need. The information will be available at the registration table!

Hope everyone enjoyed their day off from school today (with apologies to North Miami!) even though it was rainy and cold! See you tonite at the Firehouse!

---George the Dinosaur
Official Mascot of Friday Nite Fire

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