Friday, December 5, 2008

FNF for December 5th & A Whole Lot More...

If you haven't's COLD!!!

*We will try to get you in as QUICKLY as possible tonite - this means you need to do your part by getting in, choosing a place to go, and then GOING there. The quicker you get to where you are going the faster everybody gets in out of the cold!

*We WILL be maintaining SHIFTS tonite, so be prepared to "move on" when we make shift changes.

*We should be able to allow approximately 50 people into the Firehouse tonite, which going by the numbers of you present so far this year means you should be able to get in.

*Permanent release forms will be due no later than January 16th, 2009! Get one tonite if you still need to get one completed! New ID CARDS WILL BE ISSUED in January and you MUST have a release form completed to receive your card!

*Please notice the following upcoming schedule (including changes):

TONITE - Fri. Dec. 5 - FNF

9 AM - MTO, 10 AM - FCC Sunday Service

6 PM - "Rejoicing Service" @ FCC, followed by a "Tasting Party" @ the Firehouse - all of you "Transformers", be sure to be here for food and to hear the PHS Swing Choir, FCC Kids Group (directed by Lisa!), and a bunch of other fun holiday music and entertainment!

FRIDAY 12/12 - FNF's Wild Fire Christmas Party!

SUNDAY 12/14 -
9 AM - MTO, 10 AM - FCC Sunday Service

6 PM - TRANSFORM's Christmas Party @ FCC!

FRIDAY 12/19 - "WILD FIRE" - 5:30 Depart, 10:30 Return - "Behold The Lamb Of God" w/Andrew Peterson & Friends (including Andy Osenga of Caedmon's Call!) @ Grace United Methodist Church in Kokomo. Cost = $10 YOU MUST SIGN UP IN ADVANCE!!!

SATURDAY 12/20 & SUNDAY 12/21 - SEEK-RETS "Super Seek-ret Sleepover # 2/Re-Prize" - Gather @ the Firehouse @ 3 PM Saturday; you must sign up in advance - girls, talk to LISA for details!

SUNDAY 12/21 -
9 AM - MTO, 10 AM - Christmas Cantata @ FCC


TUESDAY 12/23 - "Last Minute Madness" Christmas Shopping & Lazer Tag - Departing 9 am for Ft. Wayne, Returning after 6 pm - You must sign up in advance!

WEDNESDAY 12/24 - Christmas Eve Service @ FCC

SUNDAY 12/28 -
9 AM - MTO, 10 AM - FCC Sunday Service

Evening - TBA

7:01 PM - 12:01 AM - TRANSFORM's New Year's Eve Party @ the Firehouse

1/2/2009 - FNF @ the Firehouse!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thanksgiving Weekend

Hey everyone!

Just a reminder about our schedule for this Holiday Weekend:

Friday, November 28th there will be NO FRIDAY NITE FIRE.

However, there WILL be TURKEY BOWL III!

If you want to play tackle football OR "cheerlead", be @ Maconaquah Park @ 3 PM THIS FRIDAY! We will play until we are too tired to go on (or it's too dark, or, whatever...)

Come prepared to take on last year's reigning MVP, John Haines-Ray, as well as phil, members of the "volunteer fire department", and your FNF friends and peers! If you think you'll need food/drink while sure to bring it with you...

Don't forget we will also be @ the Firehouse on SUNDAY nite for TRANSFORM. Hope to see you there for worship, discussion, games, music, and just "hanging out"!

Friday, October 24, 2008

FNF 10.24.2008 Update

Hey everyone, it's me, George the Dinosaur! I just wanted to let you know a couple of things about Friday Nite Fire this week!

First of all, we aren't sure yet what tonite's capacity will be- but we will let you know as soon as we know!

Second, since it's been cold, rainy, and generally yucky outside all day, the park and sports courts will be closed tonite- so be prepared to be inside for FNF!

Finally, don't forget to bring any and all empty aluminum cans you might have to drop off at the front door when you come in tonite. We are collecting the cans to take to the Peru Tribune in support of the United Way and the many agencies they raise money for that help people in need right here in Peru! They want to collect 1,000,000 cans by December 19th!!! Wow, that is a LOT of cans- but we can do it with YOUR help!

In addition, please pick up a PURPLE flyer tonite if you want to help fill a shoebox for a child in need. The information will be available at the registration table!

Hope everyone enjoyed their day off from school today (with apologies to North Miami!) even though it was rainy and cold! See you tonite at the Firehouse!

---George the Dinosaur
Official Mascot of Friday Nite Fire

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Peru Pandemonium 2

Hi everyone -

If you are SIGNED UP in ADVANCE... sure to be @ Peru Pandemonium 2 @ the Firehouse @ 6:30 PM sharp tomorrow nite (October 10th).

Remember to bring your $5 if you have not paid yet!

Also, remember that Peru Pandemonium 2 runs from 6:30 PM - Midnite!

We only have room for those who signed up IN ADVANCE.

It's going to be a pandemonious nite you'll never forget- see you tomorrow!


Friday, October 3, 2008

Information for TONITE!

*Maximum Capacity = 40
(Once this limit is reached, we will not be able to allow anyone else in the building)

*Pizza Kits-

I am not able to get any more Pizza Kit Order Forms in enough time for anyone else to be able to sell them. All of your orders are DUE OCTOBER 12th! If you wanted to participate this time but didn't get a chance to, we will likely be doing this fundraiser again in the spring (I promise I'll order more order forms, too!).

*Fill A Truck for the Salvation Army-

Don't forget to bring canned goods and other needed items for the Salvation Army tonite to be eligible to win a prize pack from our drawing! The more you bring, the more chances you have to win. Help us to help others, even if you can only bring 1 item of food, it WILL make a difference in somebody's life this winter!

Also, be sure to join us on Sunday morning October 12th between 8 am and 11 am at the main FCC building to help actually fill the truck!

The most needed items are:

Mac & Cheese
Boxed Potatoes
Laundry Soap
Canned Meats
Peanut Butter
5 Pound Bags Of Sugar
Canned Fruit
Canned Vegetables
Baby Diapers
Baby Wipes
Cleaning Supplies
Hand Soap
Spaghetti Sauce
Toilet Paper

Thank you!


Sign up DEADLINE is this SUNDAY OCTOBER 5th! If you are not going to be here for TRANSFORM on Sunday Nite, and you want to go to PP2, be SURE you sign up TONITE!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Tonite's Capacity: Small

Hey everyone-

We have a very small staff tonite, and we also have a wedding rehearsal going on across the street that a couple of us will be involved in until Bay Time.

When you come tonite, you won't be asked for your "choices" but will be sent upstairs to the arcade/canteen area after you have signed in. We are hopeful that after Bay Time we'll be able to open up the building a little more.

If everyone goes well we should be able to let 40 students in the building tonite. We will do our best to keep you posted and informed. Thank you for your patience and your understanding. See you tonite!

Friday, September 19, 2008


Tonite is this year's first "WILD FIRE" - and we're still not sure what's going to make it "WILD!"

Tonite's capacity limit is 56 students unless we have any changes between now and 6:30 PM.

Barring any changes, the "Sports Courts" will be open for up to 10 students tonite for basketball or other outdoor activity - should be a great nite for it!

Also, we will begin our Fall Little Caesar's Pizza Kit Fundraiser tonite, so if you're interested in making money for events and activities, be sure to join phil right after Bay Time ("The Third Shift")!

We hope to see you tonite!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Tonite's Capacity Limit

As of 4:30 PM on this rainy Friday afternoon, our capacity tonite is only 46 students based on the number of staff we have available. SO, it is in your best interest, if you want to get in the building tonite, to get here EARLY!

Remember, Friday Nite Fire is now 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM. We WILL be utilizing "SHIFTS" tonite. When you arrive at the Firehouse you will be asked for you 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Choices for what areas of the building you'd like to be in.

We will assign you an area when you enter and you are to stay in that area (keeping in mind the "3 exceptions" - 1.) Using the restroom, 2.) Getting something from the Cafe to eat or drink, and 3.) Signing out) until the next "shift change" which will be announced on the Loudspeaker System. Your "options" tonite, barring any last minute changes, will be: Arcade, Fireside, & Cafe.

Please bear with us as we continue to adapt our approach to Friday Nite Fire for what will make for the best, safest, and most fun experience for EVERYONE! See you tonite!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

The OFFICIAL Friday Nite Fire BLOG!

Well, here it is: The place you can come to for all of the latest information and updates for Friday Nite Fire in Peru, Indiana!

We'll be building the blog over time and will do our best to make it an excellent resource for youth, parents, leaders, and anyone else with an interest in what's going on at the Old Firehouse in Peru every week on Friday Nites during the school year.

OPENING NITE for Friday Nite Fire is TOMORROW NITE, September 5th.

The Firehouse will open at 6:30 PM and close at 9:30 PM (PLEASE note the change in times!).

There is much more information to come, but we'll save that for another post.

See you TOMORROW!!!