Tuesday, March 31, 2009

April 3rd

Remember: This Friday nite is "Wild Fire" - The Passion of the Christ. We will be showing the movie "The Passion Of The Christ" on the big screens.

The Firehouse will open promptly at 6:30 PM, with the movie beginning as close as possible to 6:45 PM. So if you don't want to miss anything, be sure to be there on time! We will keep the doors open until 10 PM which will include roughly 45 minutes to an hour after the movie, during which time we'll give you an opportunity to respond to what you've seen.

17 and older get in as normal. If you are 16 and under, since this is an R-rated movie (due to the graphic nature/violence shown of Jesus' crucifixion, you must have EITHER:

1.) A parent/guardian signed, notarized permanent yellow release form on file (or bring it with you) with the "Passion" check-box marked "yes." If you need to get your form notarized a parent/guardian can bring it by the office at First Christian Church during the week. It's best to call ahead (473-3105) to make sure the notary will be available when you plan on being there.


2.) A parent/guardian signed "Movie Release Form" (does not need to be notarized) on file (or bring it with you).

No one 16 and under will be allowed in this Friday without one of those two items.

Please remember that if you are coming to Wild Fire this week it is to watch the Passion of the Christ movie. We want everyone that wants to be there to be there - but we also do not want anyone to be there who is going to choose to be a distraction to others. All upstairs areas will be closed, but there will be popcorn, etc, available in the cafe and the cafe will be open for purchases.

See you Friday!

Friday, March 20, 2009

FNF for 3/20

We are just about ready to go for tonite!

Capacity will once again be 48.

Make sure you bring a notarized permanent release from if you have not done so yet. Remember, you only get in 3 times without one now that the deadline has passed!

We'll see you tonite @ the Firehouse!

Friday, March 13, 2009

FNF for 3/13

Just a quick update to let you know that we are on track for tonite, Friday March 13th. I don't have "numbers" for you but can tell you that last week we did have to "hold" a few people downstairs until there was room for them. So if you wanna get in...be there early!

Also, make SURE you have your ID card or NOTARIZED yellow release form on you- some of you are approaching the "third strike" pretty quickly- once you've been in 3 times without a permanent yellow release form (notarized), you will not be allowed in again until you turn it in. So get it done! :)

See you tonite...