Tuesday, November 24, 2009

First 2 Weeks of the Holiday Schedule...

Friday, November 27th:
*NO Transform OR FNF!

Sunday, November 29th:
*YBS 9 AM, FCC Worship 10 AM
*Turkey Bowl IV @ Olive Branch COG. Departing from the Firehouse @ 12 PM,
Returning between 5-6 PM!

Friday, December 4th:
*SWAT 6 PM, TRANSFORM 7-8:30 PM, Friday Nite Fire 8:30-10 PM.

Sunday, December 6th:
*YBS 9 AM, FCC Worship 10 AM
*Rejoicing Service/Tasting Party beginning @ 6 PM

Friday, November 20, 2009

Friday 11/20

Tonite: TRANSFORM 7-8:30, FNF 8:30-10

Doors CLOSE for TRANSFORM @ 7:10 PM and do NOT re-open until 8:30 PM!

So if you want to be in the building to hang out from 8 PM on, you MUST be there for TRANSFORM- otherwise, ya' gotta wait until 8:30, OK?

See ya' tonite!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Friday 11/13

No Friday Nite Fire this week (2nd Friday).


Continuing with The Kingdom of God.

7-8:30 PM.

Get your TEAM for Turkey Bowl IV and get signed up!

Friday, November 6, 2009

FNF for 11/6

Friday Nite Fire will follow TRANSFORM (7-8:30) tonite from 8:30-10 PM. See you then!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Friday 10/16

This Friday, FNF (8:30 -10 PM) will follow TRANSFORM (7:00 - 8:30 PM).

If you want to be a part of SWAT (Student Worship Arts Team), contact phil or lisa and be @ the Firehouse @ 6:00 PM.

Sunday, YBS @ FCC Main is 9-9:45, Sunday AM @ FCC Main is 10-11:30, and Seek-rets "The Truth About Guys" will be from 12-1 PM @ the Firehouse.

Hope to see ya' this weekend!

Friday, October 9, 2009


...FNF is October 16th. In the meantime, join us for TRANSFORM tonite from 7:00 - 8:30 PM! BE sure to check out the links to our MySpace and Facebook pages and become a friend of FCC Youth Ministries/The Firehouse!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Friday 10/2 & This Weekend!

FNF is 8:30-10 pm this Friday, following TRANSFORM from 7-8:30!

SATURDAY is "Pizzeria's Revenge" (Cici's/Kokomo Shopping). You must have signed up in advance. Get in touch with us if you have questions. We will depart from FCC @ 11:11 and return @ 3:33 pm. Cost is $5 (don't forget to bring it!) + shopping money.

The pizza eating competition winner will get a full refund PLUS $10 in cold hard cash to use for shopping. There will also be other random prizes, awards, etc. So if you are signed up, be there!

SUNDAY's Schedule:

YBS (Youth Bible Study) 9 am -9:45 am
Worship @ FCC, 10 am - 11:30 am
Seek-rets (6th-12th GIRLS ONLY), "The Truth About Guys", 12pm - 1 pm

Hope to see you on Friday nite!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Schedule Update!

The next Friday Nite Fire will be October 2nd, 8:30 - 10:00 PM, following TRANSFORM!

THIS WEEK is TRANSFORM only, 7-8:30 PM. Be at the Firehouse to worship, learn about 'The Kingdom of God,' and be TRANSFORMED!

Also, don't forget THIS FRIDAY is the DEADLINE to sign up for "Pizzeria's Revenge" (Cici's/Kokomo Shopping). "PR" will be on Saturday, October 3rd, from 11:11 am - 3:33 pm. Cost is $5 + shopping money. The pizza eating competition winner will get a full refund PLUS $10 in cold hard cash to use for shopping. There will also be other random prizes, awards, etc. So get signed up and be there!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

September 18th

THIS Friday nite, September 18th, will be the first nite on which we have FRIDAY NITE FIRE for the 2009-2010 school year.

FNF will happen immediately AFTER TRANSFORM.

Here's the schedule:



TRANSFORM happens every week; FNF happens only on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Fridays. This is a bit confusing to some of you, I know! All the details and explanations will be in your information packets that are coming to students and their parents/guardians by snail mail ASAP! We'll also make our best attempt to post information on line. Bear with us as we make the adjustments for 2009-2010 as we've had several large delays in getting this all together. But don't worry, we WILL get it together!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Fall Youth Ministry @ FCC Is Almost Here!

Hey everyone!

It's been good to see some of you over the summer; others we've missed a lot! But whether you have been around the Firehouse or FCC at all this summer or not, one thing is sure: It's September, and that means we are gearing up for our Fall Youth Ministry Programs. We're excited about the possibilities and looking forward to seeing many of you on a more regular basis. We are in the process of putting together information packets that will be mailed to you homes; so if you have moved, please drop us a line at:


We'll also e-mail you information if you have a valid e-mail address with us.

In addition, don't forget to be watching your bulletins from our MySpace page.

Plus, we'd love it if you'd become a fan of FCC Youth Ministries at our Facebook page!

That is all for now; be watching for information in the next 4-8 days!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Summer Youth Ministry Schedule

Just wanted to remind everyone that FNF is finished for the 2008-2009 school year now that school is out. Over the summer, you're welcome to meet us at the Firehouse on Sunday nites for TRANSFORM & The Revolution!

We'll begin at 5:00 PM each Sunday nite (please note the TIME CHANGE!) and go to 6:30 PM. At 6:30 PM, those involved in our summer M.T.O. - "Center Stage" - will rehearse for upcoming weeks. If you are or would like to be a part of SWAT, we'll be meeting at 3:00 PM on Sundays to get ready for Sunday nites, as well as other projects.

And once again, as a reminder to graduating seniors- join us on Sunday nites at 8 PM for "The Journey"!

Seek-rets will be having a "school's out pool party" on Saturday June 13th. Contact Lisa for details.

And, we'll be making a trip to Holiday World in late July. More info. on this and other summer events/schedules will be posted here soon!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Peru Pandemonium 3

THIS Friday nite is indeed PP # 3!

If you have signed up in advance, please make sure you arrive at the Firehouse by 6:01 PM to sign up, pay your $5.33 (if you haven't done so already), and get checked in and ready to go. There are 30 of you signed up, and I hope to see all of you this Friday! Times for PP3 are 6:01-11:59 PM - please have rides, if you will need them, ready to pick you up at 11:59 PM!

As a reminder, please do not forget that there is NO TRANSFORM, SWAT, or MTO-Center Stage rehearsals THIS Sunday, May 31st. We will resume Sunday nites with the following schedule (please not the new times for the summer) on JUNE 7TH:

3-4:30 PM: SWAT
6:30-7:30 PM: MTO-Center Stage (contact Lisa if you want to participate in this)
8:00 PM: The Journey (College age young adults (roughly 18-25 yrs. old) including graduating seniors from the class of '09)

If you're signed up, we'll see you Friday Nite for PP # 3!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Last FNF for 2008-2009

Quick Update:

Don't forget that THIS Friday, May 22nd, is the last "regular" Friday Nite Fire for the 2008-2009 school year. We'll be open our regular hours, 6:30 - 9:30 PM. It's been great having all of you this year and we hope you'll continue to join us over the summer on:

*Sundays @ 9 AM (MTO/Kids Worship and "YBS" (Youth Bible Study) and 10 AM (First Christian Church's Sunday AM "Church Service").

*Sundays nites for TRANSFORM (the next TRANSFORM is THIS Sunday 6-8 pm), First Christian Church's youth group.

*If you are a graduating senior, this will be the last nite you are eligible as a student for Friday Nite Fire. You are welcome, however, to continue participating in youth group over the summer, and, we hope you'll to join us beginning in the summer at 8 PM on Sunday nites for "The Journey," our college-age (roughly 18-25 yrs. old) small/spiritual formation group. We meet at the Firehouse and then proceed to area restaurants to eat, hang out, discuss just about every topic imaginable, and build relationships together as we seek to be continually renewing followers of Jesus.

*"The Journey" is also helping to sponsor our FCC Church League Softball Team which begins play soon for guys and girls ages 15 and up who are a part of FCC or Firehouse Ministries. If you want to know more about softball talk to Phil Michaels or Corey Townsend!

*Don't forget that May 29th is "Wild Fire": Peru Pandemonium III! Be sure to sign up at FNF or TRANSFORM. Sign up deadline is THIS Sunday the 24th and you MUST be signed up in advance. Cost is $5.33 and times are 6:01 PM - 11:59 PM. It'll be a blast as always, so make sure you get signed up!

*There will be additional special events over the summer including Seek-rets events and Holiday World. Be sure to check back here or be @ the Firehouse/FCC on Sundays to keep up with what is going on this summer!

See you soon!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Upcoming Schedule

Hi everyone-

Just to let you know/remind you, here is the upcoming schedule for FNF:

5/15: "Sex 501: Epilogue" w/student guest speaker.

5/22: Last Regular FNF for 2008-2009 School Year.

5/29: WILD FIRE: Peru Pandemonium III, Pheaturing "Races 4 Rings"

6:01 PM - 11:59 PM, Cost = $5.33, and, you MUST sign up in advance AND you MUST

have a NOTARIZED YELLOW FORM, OR, a one-time event signed BLUE FORM, in
order to participate.

Check back here over the summer for updates on future events and what we'll be doing next at the Firehouse, and be sure to join us Sunday mornings for MTO and FCC's AM Service, as well as Sunday nites for TRANSFORM!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

FNF for 4/17

Hi everyone-

Looks like we should have a great nite for Friday Nite Fire tomorrow - we'll be open for our normal hours from 6:30 - 9:30. Hope everybody had a great spring break and a Happy Easter! See you tomorrow!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

April 3rd

Remember: This Friday nite is "Wild Fire" - The Passion of the Christ. We will be showing the movie "The Passion Of The Christ" on the big screens.

The Firehouse will open promptly at 6:30 PM, with the movie beginning as close as possible to 6:45 PM. So if you don't want to miss anything, be sure to be there on time! We will keep the doors open until 10 PM which will include roughly 45 minutes to an hour after the movie, during which time we'll give you an opportunity to respond to what you've seen.

17 and older get in as normal. If you are 16 and under, since this is an R-rated movie (due to the graphic nature/violence shown of Jesus' crucifixion, you must have EITHER:

1.) A parent/guardian signed, notarized permanent yellow release form on file (or bring it with you) with the "Passion" check-box marked "yes." If you need to get your form notarized a parent/guardian can bring it by the office at First Christian Church during the week. It's best to call ahead (473-3105) to make sure the notary will be available when you plan on being there.


2.) A parent/guardian signed "Movie Release Form" (does not need to be notarized) on file (or bring it with you).

No one 16 and under will be allowed in this Friday without one of those two items.

Please remember that if you are coming to Wild Fire this week it is to watch the Passion of the Christ movie. We want everyone that wants to be there to be there - but we also do not want anyone to be there who is going to choose to be a distraction to others. All upstairs areas will be closed, but there will be popcorn, etc, available in the cafe and the cafe will be open for purchases.

See you Friday!

Friday, March 20, 2009

FNF for 3/20

We are just about ready to go for tonite!

Capacity will once again be 48.

Make sure you bring a notarized permanent release from if you have not done so yet. Remember, you only get in 3 times without one now that the deadline has passed!

We'll see you tonite @ the Firehouse!

Friday, March 13, 2009

FNF for 3/13

Just a quick update to let you know that we are on track for tonite, Friday March 13th. I don't have "numbers" for you but can tell you that last week we did have to "hold" a few people downstairs until there was room for them. So if you wanna get in...be there early!

Also, make SURE you have your ID card or NOTARIZED yellow release form on you- some of you are approaching the "third strike" pretty quickly- once you've been in 3 times without a permanent yellow release form (notarized), you will not be allowed in again until you turn it in. So get it done! :)

See you tonite...

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Just a reminder to everyone that there is NO FRIDAY NITE FIRE on February 27th.

This is a planned nite off, not a cancellation! :)

So make sure you tell everyone you know!

We will be back live at the Firehouse on Friday March 6th (and hopefully, every Friday in March...that's the plan!).

Also please note that there will be no TRANSFORM on Sunday March 1st (same weekend as no Fire), but we'll be back and ready to go for Sunday March 8th!

In the meantime, if you need anything...just let us know...

Friday, February 13, 2009

FNF for 2/13 is CANCELLED

Hi everyone-

Please disregard the previous post....

There will be NO FNF this week. A number of our planned staff for the evening are sick or have sick family they are taking care of, and we felt we did not have quite enough staff to open up with.

We hope to see you either @ Transform on Sunday 2/15 @ 6 pm, or next week at Fire!

Sorry about not being able to let you know sooner. If you decided to show up and didn't read this until after the fact...well, at least you got a little fresh air on your way down to the Firehouse!

Enjoy your weekend...

FNF for 2/13 - Tonite!

It's "Friday the 13th" tonite at FNF! We'll be continuing our series, "Sex 501" (and you thought you had it all figured out by now, didn't ya'?). I do not yet know the "capacity limit" for tonite, so make sure you are at the doors @ 6:30, ready to get in!


*If you haven't turned in your YELLOW, NOTARIZED permanent release form - bring it!

*Students with ID cards can check in by giving their ID to the person at the registration table.

*Students without ID cards need to turn in their Yellow, Notarized permanent release form (or, pick up your ID card if you have turned in the form already).

*Students without ID card AND without forms will be allowed in only AFTER everyone else. You are operating on a "3 strike" system- you will be allowed in 3 times without a yellow form...after that...NO ENTRANCE without a form (if you are 18 or older, you can fill out your own form)/ID card.

See you tonite, and then on Sunday @ 6 pm for TRANSFORM!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Job Opportunities!

If you are a High School Student age 16 or older, this one is for you: Visit the blog over at Main Street & Broadway for information on job opportunities out at Grissom Air Reserve Base.

They pay very well for student employment, so don't miss the opportunity if you need cash (who doesn't, right?) and want to work hard and gain skills for now and the future!

If you need help or tips with the application process or creating a resume, just let us know!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Upcoming Schedule

Here is the February Schedule for Friday Nite Fire. Please make a note of it!:

February 6th - NO FNF

February 13th - FNF

February 20th - FNF

February 27th - NO FNF


We'll be having FNF all four Friday's in March. There are a couple of things on the schedule for February, so we needed to take a couple of Friday's off. We just wanted to let you know.

Don't forget that our FCC Youth Group meets on Sunday nites at the Firehouse from 6-8 PM for "TRANSFORM" - if you are looking for more in your relationship with God and do not have a church/youth group you are a part of, we invite you to join us as we worship, pray, play games, give away "old dust covered prizes," and talk about what Jesus is doing in our lives, our church, our community, and our world. We are spending the spring semester learning about prayer. If you need transportation, just let us know. See you then, or, on "Friday the 13th"!

Friday, January 30, 2009

FNF Update for January 30th

Hi everyone -

Just a quick note to let you know that our capacity is VERY limited tonite. We will not be able to allow more than 46 students in the building tonite as of the moment. Last week we had close to 75 of you at FNF, so, if you plan on getting in the door, make sure you are lined up EARLY!

See you at 6:30 PM!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

FNF is ON for Friday, January 23rd

Just wanted to make sure anyone that would check here would know that we are good to go for tomorrow night, January 23rd - 6:30 - 9:30 as always. During the Third Shift we'll continue talking about everyone's favorite topic (well, maybe not everyone's...) in our "Sex 501" series. We hope to see you tomorrow nite!

Don't forget to bring your NOTARIZED yellow permanent release form or bring a parent/guardian as we will have a notary ON SITE TOMORROW. The form deadline IS tomorrow and you will need a completed, notarized form to get a new ID Card!

Friday, January 16, 2009


Hi everyone-

Due to the dangerously cold temperatures and wind chills, the fact that Peru schools have been closed for 2 days, and not wanting to place any of our own staff at risk as well as students, we have decided to CANCEL Friday Nite Fire for tonite, January 16th.


*The DEADLINE for the yellow, permanent release forms will be moved up to NEXT Friday, January 23rd. Those of you who get your forms turned in will be able to pick up your ID Cards beginning Friday, January 30th. You will NOT get a new ID Card without a signed, notarized, permanent release form. Specific entrance requirements to FNF in regard to new ID cards, etc, will be detailed soon @ FNF and here on the blog.

*There WILL be TRANSFORM this Sunday, January 18th @ 6 PM, as always. If you need a ride to get to TRANSFORM, please e-mail (phil AT fccperu DOT org, OR, transforminghope AT gmail DOT com) or call (473-3105) and let us know; we'll make sure we get you there! See you on Sunday, or, next Friday!


Thursday, January 15, 2009


The yellow, permanent release forms are DUE THIS FRIDAY, January 16th!

Please make sure you have your parent or guardian get the form notarized and bring it to us by this Friday nite. There will be a volunteer on hand this week who can notarize the form but your parent/guardian MUST BE PRESENT to sign it. Your parent/guardian may also drop by the main FCC building and have our administrative secretary do the notarization for them, free of charge, between the hours of 8 am and 5 pm Monday through Friday. If you need to pick up a form you may also do so at the office or get on this Friday nite!

It's going to be a COLD nite this Friday as we are sure you know by now! So dress warm and join us for Friday Nite Fire @ 6:30 PM @ the Firehouse. During "The Third Shift" (a.k.a. "Bay Time") , we'll be continuing our series, "Sex 501". So, be there! See you tomorrow!